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Coming Soon: Stop the Cap! Terms of Service Tracker – No More Changes In The Dark Of Night

Phillip Dampier June 5, 2009 Editorial & Site News 6 Comments

dampier1Stop the Cap! will shortly launch a new Terms of Service Tracker for the nation’s largest Internet Service Providers.  Born from an idea from the Electronic Freedom Foundation, our new tracker will check several provider websites every day looking for any changes to the content of Subscriber Agreements, Terms & Conditions, and any other legal notices that could impact your broadband Internet service.

Many Internet Service Providers don’t time stamp changes — they simply quietly replace one agreement with another, and too often fail to notify customers about what changed.

Most customer agreements have language that permits them to change their terms on a whim, even if they fundamentally change service descriptions, pricing, and try to sneak in usage caps, tiered pricing, bandwidth throttling, and other anti-consumer provisions.  Worse yet, customers under “price protection” or “term contracts” are often only given 30 days to “opt out” before the new terms automatically apply to their accounts.  Customers learning of changes too late to opt out are often stuck paying hundreds of dollars in early termination fees to escape a company that is no longer acceptable to them.

When a company changes any provision in a Subscriber Agreement, all existing customers should be notified by e-mail and on their bills about any changes, and given ample time to react without penalties or traps.  Until the nation’s ISPs begin to consistently provide that notice, we shall.

We’ll have more details shortly, and anticipate allowing our readers to subscribe to automatic updates, informing them about any changes that could impact their service and their wallets.

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waiting and watching
waiting and watching
15 years ago

This I like! Sounds like something for my RSS reader to keep track of for me to always stay up to date!

15 years ago

This would be a useful feature on the site. Would it by any chance highlight the part of the TOS that was changed? That would be useful if it doesn’t have that yet.

15 years ago

That sounds like a cool idea. Is there anyway we could ‘timeline’ them? So depending on when you got the terms you can figure out what has changed? As I am sure people will come across this site later on.

The EFF appears to be doing something similar.

15 years ago

This is a good thing. Like I have said before, back in my dial-up days, AT&T changed my “unlimited” plan to “limited” without my knowledge. When I got my bill, they wanted me to pay $400 bucks. I was like, “right”. Anyways, I argued that I never received their supposed email informing me of the changes. They dropped the charges and I in turn dropped At&t and went to another provider offering “unlimited”. So if you think that all this cap stuff is new to the US, think again. They have been trying this crap, some ISP’s like AT&T, since… Read more »

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