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Comcast’s Golden Opportunity in Verizon-Frontier Land

Phillip Dampier May 15, 2009 Comcast/Xfinity, Frontier, Verizon 2 Comments

Verizon’s decision to exit several smaller communities across the country and hand operations over to Frontier isn’t threatening Comcast, one of the predominate cable providers in some of the larger communities Verizon is abandoning in Washington, Oregon, and Indiana.  Some of the impacted communities, particularly Fort Wayne, were being prepared for Verizon FiOS before this week’s announcement.  While Verizon and Frontier have agreed to continue building out the fiber to the home projects already underway, the cable operators serving these communities are likely to exploit the molasses slow transfer from one phone company to the other.

Comcast is busily deploying DOCSIS 3 in their service areas, and even with Verizon FiOS, cable operators with upgraded networks can readily compete for broadband business in any of their markets.

As Verizon rapidly loses interest in the markets it will be leaving, the slow transition can be part of a publicity campaign by the cable operator to convince customers to abandon the phone company, because ‘they’ve abandoned you.”

Donna Jaegers, a senior research analyst at D.A. Davidson & Company told Multichannel News, “Verizon has no real incentive to continue to invest more capital in these markets.”

“In that one-year window, the cable competitors have an easy sales pitch,” she said. “They can say, ‘Hey look, Verizon is already neglecting you — and for the next year they’ll have even more reason to neglect you.’ ”

Cable operators completing upgrades to their networks as a normal cost of doing business make competing with changes in a market a snap.  Some companies recognize the benefits of DOCSIS 3 and have upgraded without running a “pledge drive” to beg for money to do it.  Others have not.

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15 years ago

Fort Wayne wasn’t just being “prepared” for FiOS – it’s been a reality there for more than a year. Both of my in-laws there made the switch from Comcast and haven’t looked back. They’re not really sure what to expect when Frontier takes over.

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