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Consumers Worry About Frontier-Verizon Phone Swap

Phillip Dampier May 13, 2009 Frontier 12 Comments

Having your local phone company disappear and get replaced by another provider isn’t an everyday occurrence for most people.  Customers are concerned about the impact of Verizon leaving their area, to be replaced by Frontier, an unfamiliar company for most parts of the country.  We have the video.

Let’s begin in Fort Wayne, Indiana, where WANE-TV interviews one worried local businessman already dissatisfied with what Verizon was charging, and wonder what surprises Frontier will bring:

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15 years ago

Another downside of recessions besides all the suffering is merger mania

15 years ago

WXXI public radio in Rochester has a brief segment on these purchases and speculate that farther down the road it may mean Verizon gets to take over the Rochester market (Frontier keeps the rural segment) and maybe, just maybe we’ll have FiOS to compete with TWC.

Speculative indeed, but at least there’s a little bit of optimism: http://www.publicbroadcasting.net/wxxi/news.newsmain?action=article&ARTICLE_ID=1505427

15 years ago
Reply to  Brion

Interesting segment. And yes, the question is … why indeed would Frontier wish to stay in Rochester because it sure does not fit in with their “rural” area service.
Thanks for posting the link to that Brion.

Uncle Ken
Uncle Ken
15 years ago

Is rural service a real money maker Frontier must think so if they are willing to part with 8 billion. My comment will stay in this region as I do not know how the others work. When / if this happens Frontier will have the best of both worlds for the moment the rural and the denser city systems. For a moment lets assume I live south of Rochester on a big hill top with 5 other houses 10 miles from the closest gas station. If the studies prove true that in high tech areas 80 percent of the people… Read more »

Uncle Ken
Uncle Ken
15 years ago

I do not think that Consumers have to Worry About the Frontier-Verizon Phone Swap. Our phone company has gone through how many name changes but the poles are the same the wires are the same the only thing that changed was the address on the bill. Worry from change is a natural feeling one I think and hope is unfounded.

15 years ago

The Frontier installer that was here this morning said that he thought that it could be more likely that Windstream acquires the local Frontier service area. And yes, I am on DSL at the moment. Seeing max speeds of about 5.8 mb/sec down and 380 kb/sec up, but excellent ping and tracert times. I was told to wait 24 hours for the circuit to complete and then check my speed again. I do know that I am seeing lower download and upload speeds than what I saw here last year from Frontier.

Dan S.
Dan S.
15 years ago

So, I guess that means any hope for FIOS in the RTP region of North Carolina has just gone up in smoke.

15 years ago

I had a very similar episode with Frontier when I lived in Gates and not all that far from their Long Pond Rd CO, when they could only get me a mind-numbing 56k down…yeah I did say 56k. As you can probably guess, I had an RR installation scheduled within milliseconds of that conversation. I also had zero resistance to canceling my service, which I was semi-surprised about, but with those speeds resistance would have been beyond futile. I would like to think at some point Frontier would gracefully bow out of Rochester and turn things over to Verizon and… Read more »

15 years ago
Reply to  David

I too live in Gates and had DSL with Frontier. I was satisfied with the service until I wanted to cancel my landline telephone. I swear its easier to rebuild a car engine than get your landline disconnected. I got severe run around for months and was finally told that I could not have DSL without a landline. CANCEL IT ALL! I told them. I said they better get out of the stoneage or else go out of business. I went with RR and then the cap talk started, ugh! Cant seem to win but im glad TW halted the… Read more »

15 years ago
Reply to  Joe

Joe. I just had Frontier DSL installed yesterday. You do not need a landline anymore from them. It is called standalone service. I did find out by accident that the phone number that has been assigned to my account can receive calls, but calls cannot be made. 🙂

So far , so good. The speed is adequate for what we do and the latency is low. I think that before the TW store closes tonight that my Roadrunner modem will be returned to them and Roadrunner cancelled.

Uncle Ken
Uncle Ken
15 years ago

I Agree Verizon is such a natural for this area so I have to think something else big is in the way now. There is nothing wrong with RR until they started the cap idea. Verizon as they grow could pull the same stunt as could anybody. ATT is about the only company big enough to think of coming here but I also think they do not want to get into a war with the Rochester area right in the middle of it. I do think we are in the eye of the storm as everyone tries to figure out… Read more »

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