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WXII Triad – Lots of Car Honking Greet Time Warner Protestors

Phillip Dampier May 1, 2009 Video 3 Comments

The Time Warner protest in Greensboro attracted a lot of car honking approval, and even with a relatively small group of protestors, got significant coverage on local media.

thumbs-up12“The fight for a flat rate.”  WXII reports regularly emphasize Time Warner has delayed, not withdrawn their tiered pricing experiment.  April 18, 2009
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15 years ago

Protestor sign: “we don’t need no education”. 😀 Awe-some!

…However, somewhat as a counterpoint, those “in the know” need to continue to TRULY educate others about just how onerous a per-GB fee would be.

It would be like the Federal government saying to you, we need you to record your mileage every month that you drive on a Federal highway, for every mile over 100, there will be a $0.25 fee.

Uncle Ken
Uncle Ken
15 years ago

Did most of the honkers even know what they were honking for? I doubt it. Where was the big fixed sign that said pull over and get an information sheet so you know why we are here and what we are doing. It just might effect you tomorrow.

15 years ago

A lot of people will be effected by this otherwise there would be no profit in it for Time Warner (and all of the other small name ISPs already doing this)

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