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Beta Testers Wanted: Testing the New Look

Phillip Dampier May 1, 2009 Editorial & Site News 1 Comment

Thanks for the overwhelming response.  We have more than enough folks to help us out with this.  Thanks for everyone who volunteered.  Everyone will have a chance to comment on the new look when it goes live, hopefully by Monday.

As we progress towards our new theme, I’d like some beta testers who are using different browsers and operating systems to preview and test things out to make sure it’s compatible for everyone and looks professional. All you have to do is browse and let me know if things look out of place, don’t work right, or appear odd on your browser. No technical skill is required.  You can even let me know what looks good and what doesn’t.

If interested and available for casual browsing over the weekend, use the Contact form linked above, click volunteer, and let me know you can help. Include your Operating System (XP, Vista, OS X, etc.), Browser (IE 6/7/8, Firefox, Safari, Opera, etc.), and let me know if you are on cable, DSL, or fiber. It should take less than 30 minutes total.

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