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WGHP Triad – Time Warner Protests In Greensboro & Rochester

Phillip Dampier April 29, 2009 Video 5 Comments

‘There is no reason to protest — we’re listening,’ says Time Warner, according to this report.  The company was responding to planned protests which continued despite the decision by Time Warner to temporarily shelve usage caps and tiered pricing.  That’s because most of those doing the protesting don’t believe for a second that Time Warner is listening to anyone but themselves.  Customers overwhelmingly rejected the “experiment” force-fed on people in four cities, but the company has never been willing to admit it was wrong, and give up on the idea for good.

A long history of endless rate increases, forcing people to pay for channels they don’t want, and a general sense of mistrust has become near-automatic for even under-informed customers.  But when we learn the facts about just how profitable Time Warner Cable’s Road Runner service is, they get hoppin’ mad.

thumbs-up12I found it interesting WGHP also mentioned the protests in Rochester.  Melissa is here at least admitting, for the first time, they underestimated the impact of the “experiment.”  They also misunderstand the fact almost nobody wants this.  One of the news outlets needs to bring up the fact that Road Runner Lite is already available for those light users at a substantial discount, without ever worrying about overlimit fees under the tiered rate system they temporarily shelved.
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15 years ago

I never understood why they don’t advertise Road Runner Lite at all. My girlfriend has it and she likes it, it does what she needs it to do for email and basic web surfing.

15 years ago

I just want to point out that that TWC offers triad users a ridiculous 384 Kbps up speed. If you pay $10/month more you get a whopping 512 Kbps. You are really pushing the limit there aren’t you Time Warner Cable?

15 years ago

Can you imagine working all day and taking distance learning courses online and having your internet bill quadruple?

15 years ago
Reply to  jr

I was taking online courses while working and going to a physical school class also… The constant uploading/downloading of materials such as databases and programming projects were adding up. My stuff used to range in GBs by the time the semester was almost over. I easily did over 5gb in transfers a week.. For security reasons, we were not allowed to use usb keys…

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