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WROC Rochester: Time Warner Says “Nevermind”

Phillip Dampier April 28, 2009 Video 2 Comments

The anger over Time Warner’s rationing plan for the Internet was so persistent, Rochester TV newscasts began running out of adjectives to describe the seething customers here felt about the whole thing.  It had been a top story for day after day in this area.  Calling it “a plan that has been slammed from nearly every corner,” WROC covered the press conference that Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY) held April 16th announcing the cap program was suspended.

“The final nail came from Chuck Schumer.”  “Time Warner’s plan was … nothing short of a PR disaster.”  “Time Warner was taking advantage of a near monopoly.”  “It seems they could try it again, though.”  All statements from WROC reporter Evan Axelbank.

Customers get it.  StoptheCap! readers get it.  Our elected officials get it.  Time Warner’s competitors get it.  The media get it.  The cat next door gets it.  The only ones who still don’t get it appear to be Time Warner executives in New York and a few of their friends in the industry or trade press who get paid not to get it.

Unrated.  Yeah, I can be seen in this one too.  It reminds me of a line from another favorite movie of mine, Heathers:  “Heather, how many networks did you run to!”
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15 years ago

There is that word again, “misunderstanding…”. See people, that’s all it is, a big misunderstanding. Well, at least, it is good to hear that they are dropping this for now for all 3 areas. Now it is time to push our representatives to enact legislation to stop any further caps from being “tested” or imposed.

15 years ago

The TWC executives with the “misunderstanding”. Consumers do not want consumption based billing, NOR DO THEY WANT TO UNDERSTAND IT.

I am very fearful that TWC is going to try this again with some pretty graphics and taticts to fool the vast majority of users into thinking it’s okay to have caps.

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