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WHAM Rochester: “This is Not Over,” Extended Interview With Tom Belknap

Phillip Dampier April 28, 2009 Video 4 Comments

Local progressive blogger Tom Belknap gets six minutes of airtime on WHAM-TV’s morning show to expand on, and educate viewers about some of the ancillary issues surrounding the Time Warner usage cap experiment.  Belknap, who runs DragonFlyEye, also gets a chance to debunk some of the misunderstandings some people have about the cap issue, and also deals with conservatives who reflexively objected to Senator Charles Schumer’s involvement in the Time Warner debacle.

Unrated.  This is more of an interview than a news account so I’m leaving it unrated.  This report aired Friday, April 17th.  There was some confusion about the proposed protest against Time Warner in Rochester that Saturday.  It actually did go forward, although I suspect many people thought the issue was done with and didn’t appear for that reason.
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Lummox JR
Lummox JR
15 years ago

I am ordinarily no fan of Schumer myself, and object to his positions on a number of issues–but I do not dispute his track record of fighting in the trenches for the interests of his constituents, and I applaud his early intervention in this issue. If we continue to support him on fighting TWC’s (and others’) blatant abuses of the market, we have a real honest chance of pushing forward legislation that will prohibit this practice outright. Frankly, if he continues to deliver on this issue and drives back the threat for good, this is one conservative voter who will… Read more »

15 years ago

“and also deals with conservatives who reflexively objected to Senator Charles Schumer’s involvement in the Time Warner debacle.”

Ahh come on now Philliip, how do you know these guys are conservatives? I am conservative but I am against these caps. Conservatism isn’t “pro-business” but for lesser government. Please next time, be a little more careful attaching a label on something because it is in contrast to your ideology. I thought that was one of your rules anyways to keep political stuff out of it.

15 years ago

I agree, it isn’t a political issue. When there is no competition around and the business has a virtual monopoly, all we have to protect us is the government. To strictly be “pro business” blindly because you think it is being “conservative” is just stupid. They might of been mad at Schumer but at least Schumer jumped in there and got his hands dirty which is something the other side can’t say. I am just glad someone jumped in and spoke for us when TWC obviously wouldn’t listen to customer. I really hope this becomes a movement nationwide. These caps… Read more »

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