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KBTV Beaumont: Thousands of Customers Protested Against Time Warner Caps

Phillip Dampier April 28, 2009 Video 6 Comments

The take-away message from this 30 second report is the confirmation that “thousands” of customers protested the cap experiment program.  We had not heard any actual numbers about how many people were in contact with Time Warner about this ordeal, but now we do. It goes into our library.

Unrated.  It’s a very brief report.
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15 years ago

Time Warner execs make so much money they can’t relate to the average family or small business owner. It must be nice living in a bubble

waiting and watching
waiting and watching
15 years ago
Reply to  jr

Not a bubble, but like the person from Duke Energy on 60 minutes last night they try real hard to live in a vacuum. Either way those execs need to leave their fantasy world, and come back to the real world.

15 years ago

What about At&t testing caps in the same city, we hear nothing about them.

Sorry if I sound like a broken record only cocerned about My ISP. But I wonder why AT&T doing the same thing in the same city doesn’t seem to be an issue.

15 years ago

I had AT&T DSL at my old house, and there was no cap. Ever.
At our new house, we have TWC’s internet. I can’t wait to get the bill this month for service. They can’t seem to keep NBC on the air, and I’ve been watching HEROES streaming online. Shouldn’t I be able to watch it without worry of $1 a GB? I mean, I pay for cable television, and you can’t keep the channels on.

15 years ago

Well, being a Beaumont area customer, I’m currently protesting by not giving Time Warner a single penny of my money. Unfortunately, for my specific location, this means reverting back to the stone age of dial up. They like to sale this “pay for what you use” crap to people, but it only works in one direction. I suppose it’s the most sensible sounding PR garbage they could come up with to try and sale this metered usage scam to the masses. So I guess that means if I sign up for their 30 gig plan but only use 10 gigs,… Read more »

15 years ago

Can we give any help to Beaumont? It’s the canary in the mine.

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