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KBMT Beaumont – Customers in Beaumont Realize They’re Still Stuck With Caps

Phillip Dampier April 28, 2009 Video 6 Comments

Finally.  We were beginning to wonder if anyone was conscious to what Time Warner was doing to customers down in Beaumont.  No wonder Time Warner found “success” with the program.  Of all of the cities Time Warner proposed testing this rationing plan, Beaumont has always been the quietest and least likely to make noise about it.  But residents have started to change their tune once they realized other Time Warner “experiment” cities managed to successfully get the cap plan dropped, at least for now.  So why are they still stuck with it?

Check out Rep. Eric Massa (D-NY) being interviewed and using the slam-it-home point that Time Warner is already making a ton of money on broadband priced just the way it is right now.

thumbs-up12A pretty powerful piece.  Time Warner comes across as exceptionally arrogant in Beaumont.  They would not provide anyone to talk on-air, and their written statement, while acknowledging the program was driven back in other cities, is working just fine for them in Beaumont, whether customers like it or not.  Pretty chilling and smacks of arrogance.  Of course, in Beaumont, AT&T is experimenting with caps of their own, so the point that customers have no uncapped alternative is particularly powerful in this part of Texas.
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15 years ago

Why is Massa holding off on legislation; regardless if they postpone it or not It should get introduced

15 years ago
Reply to  Craig

Agreed!! Pass it already!!

15 years ago

yeah i don’t understand this either. He told us during the henrietta town meeting that he would push legislation within 10 days. Is this more lip service?

15 years ago

I hope so Phillip. Time Warner is not going to stop doing this. Every time a statement is put out by these guys, they are always saying that “It is a misunderstanding…need to educate people more…better for the community”.

15 years ago

It still amazes me how beaumont has no news comming out of it. It’s sad that the companies have alredy noticed how some citys are quieter than others. AT&T and twc in one city capping, I would expect to be hearing more news. All I hear news from is your area, which is good you have people who care were you live. I also find no news from Reno, I’m really scared that some citys are going to buckeup and take the Cap and live with it. I hope that nearby silicon valley, makes a huge stink about this entire… Read more »

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