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WXII Triad – “For Right Now, Cap Plan Is On Hold” – Down But Not Out In North Carolina

Phillip Dampier April 27, 2009 Video 2 Comments

WXII in the Triad told its viewers that although the Time Warner usage cap plan was being put on hold, it was by no means gone for good.  The reporter told viewers the suspension came from “confusion” and “backlash” from Time Warner customers.

Time Warner’s talking point about saving the elderly money is on full display here, as the reporter tells viewers if they send only a couple dozen e-mails, it means they “end up paying more for those who spend hours on end gaming online.”  Of course, the report fails to mention those customers can save money today on a Road Runner Lite plan.  It’s really just a classic case of trying to pit customers against one another using the “us vs. them” card.  They hope dangling those shiny keys in customers’ faces will distract them from realizing that nobody’s cable bill ever really goes down — not unless you drop services along the way.

thumbs-down2A talking point festival from Time Warner’s perspective.  I’m not sure if this report was a companion to another, but this on a standalone basis was simply a recitation of Time Warner’s claims.  Interestingly, the piece still quotes Time Warner maintaining the same plan — the gas gauge will then tell viewers “whether they need to go up a plan or down a plan.”
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15 years ago


The only fair way! the old people end up paying more…

This is just not true.

Meredith P
Meredith P
15 years ago

Yeah, we don’t know what “broadband” is. And where is our meter? Gee, maybe they should have thought of that before they introduced their metering plan. Duh! And customers are “uneducated”!?! Overall, the caps may be the fairest way to go, but we need to know what our usage is to sign up for the right plan.

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