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WOAI San Antonio – “We Heard a Lot of Complaints”: Time Warner Suspends Plan For Now

Phillip Dampier April 27, 2009 Video 2 Comments

As we continue our journey across the cities that were originally intended to be part of Time Warner’s experimental caps, it’s not difficult to see that viewers had been complaining long and loud, not just to Time Warner, but also to area TV station news departments.

The temporary suspension announcement reached San Antonio late in the afternoon on Thursday, April 16th.  Same upset customers, same talking points from Time Warner that “education” is all that is needed to cram a rate hike and ration plan on customers.  They still don’t get it.

thumbs-up12This was probably a quick report for the late afternoon newscast.  No packaged piece here.  But the anchor makes it clear customers didn’t like it, and also gave Time Warner’s views, making it balanced.
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San Antony, Yo!
San Antony, Yo!
15 years ago

First of all, shame on this news organization for framing the debate “being charged more to download more”. That’s not the case for me. Under the plan, I would be “charged more to download the exact same amount”, not more. This is exactly what TWC wants: the debate to be shifted away from the issue of customers who will see massive price hikes for doing nothing other than exactly what they are currently doing. When we allow Time Warner to frame the debate as “you pay more in exchange for downloading more”, we’ve already lost the battle. The debate needs… Read more »

15 years ago

TWC should really quit having CFO’s do the talking points. The “customers need more education” before we screw you is getting old. I would have thought after a week they would have had something better.

Try getting people that are in touch with their own clients. Maybe even someone that understands the system they are talking about imposing.

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