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R-News – Schumer: They’re Not Going to Use Rochester for Tiered Pricing, Period

Phillip Dampier April 27, 2009 Video 4 Comments

R-News is owned and operated by Time Warner.  There has traditionally been a firewall in place between R-News and Time Warner itself, and the reports have generally been far more balanced than the hackery at News 14 in North Carolina.  Still, they managed to use a broken up talking point from me about “loving the company.”  Of course, if the cap issue were dead and buried, as most of us in attendance were led to believe that afternoon, why not?  I’ve been happy with Road Runner since being one of the early beta testers back in 1998.  At the end of the press event that Thursday, I was thrilled for about … oh, 45 minutes, until getting home and reading the press release from Time Warner.

Senator Schumer’s very insistent point that “they are not going to use Rochester as a guinea pig for any tiered pricing plan, period” may come back to haunt Time Warner if they bring the dog and pony Cap ‘n Tier show back to the Flower City this fall.  There certainly wasn’t any wiggle room in the senator’s statement on the matter.  Will Time Warner defy the senior senator from New York?  We’ll be watching.

Unrated.  I’m in it, so I am not going to rate this.  It -is- certainly a major improvement over what we saw last week from the Carolinas, though, which was limited to company employees interviewing other company employees.
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Uncle Ken
Uncle Ken
15 years ago

Ill rate your video for you. Thumbs up the best video I have seen of the event. I even captured it for viewing again. It is not a very good idea to mess with a senior senator such as Senator Schumer. If I understand the system the senate is about the last stop before papers are put on the president’s desk to be considered. I also credit Rep Massa as what is crafted and voted on then goes to the senate to be considered. It is a long process but it has worked for hundreds of years.

15 years ago

They really milk the pun don’t they?

15 years ago

That Time Warner guy, Glenn Britt, had me rolling on the floor laughing with his statements,”The community needs being met…public misunderstanding”. From the sound of that statement though, he doesn’t care what Schumer says. It sounded like they are going to do it regardless, after they “educate” the masses so the “community needs are being met….”.

15 years ago

Folks, you wait and see. It will be rolled out to Rochester under the Time-Warner lie that “Rochester citizens asked us to bring it here! After our summer of re-education, customers called us and told us that they want internet caps, so we gave in to overwhelming customer demand!” Yes, of course, it’s a lie. But TWC is counting on the fact that there’s no public record of what happens in their call centers. I realize it sounds absurd, I realize it sounds like utter nonsense…. but you wait and see how true it ends up being. TWC will try… Read more »

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