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News 14 Carolina: We’ll Help Customers Decide What Tier They Belong In

Phillip Dampier April 27, 2009 Video 6 Comments

northkoreaNews 14 Carolina (Time Warner State Television) is back with another example of journalism excellence… if you lived in North Korea.  On News 14, there is always time for Melissa Buscher, Time Warner spokeswoman, to expand on her views about Time Warner shelving their trial in this second spectacularly one-sided piece.  Ms. Anchor is only too happy to volunteer that it was just like a cell phone plan (that nobody wanted).

I’d ask if anyone watching this, and other related pieces that include Time Warner officials, if it sounds like this tiered pricing plan is “shelved” or merely “postponed” until the Time Warner Re-Education Summer Camps open.

No customers are heard from, nor a single confirmation that the plan itself was radically unpopular with customers.  The Time Warner listening tour has never included them in the first place, so consistency is at least something you have to hand these people.

thumbs-downWow….  “What displeasure with Time Warner Five Year Internet Plan to save comrades money who toil in the fields instead of using Interwebs?”
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15 years ago

Time Warner’s quest for a second gilded age never ends

15 years ago

That’s right Time Warner, I don’t know what I want, I’m just a lowly customer guess you need to tell me what is acceptable to do on my computer. If there was competition I would have dumped your ass a long time ago, but unfortunately we’re stuck in this terrible relationship and you keep abusing me…. sigh.

15 years ago

The only person Time Warner has ever listened to was Chuck Schumer — the customers have always been completely ignored.

15 years ago

LOL, News 14, didn’t I tell you guys before, is OWNED by TWC. You can only get this channel on their cable system. You can’t get it over the air or through satellite. Of course they are going to be biased.

15 years ago

Wow, most broadcast news stories are 30 seconds long. That didn’t even FEEL like a news story, it felt like I was watching an infomercial!

15 years ago


Even worse, most clips (i.e. sound bites) are no longer than 5-10 seconds. The whole segment feels out of place on a news channel.

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