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WFMY Triad – Now It’s 86% of Customers Will Not Be Affected By Caps

Phillip Dampier April 24, 2009 Video 8 Comments

If one of our readers is keeping a spreadsheet of all of the various claims, rates, and percentages Time Warner keeps throwing out there when it comes to who usage caps affect, and who they don’t, here’s another percentage – 86%. Melissa Buscher, director of Media Relations for Time Warner down in the Triad region, tells viewers that’s the percentage of customers who will be completely unaffected by the proposed usage limits. Who is affected? “Very heavy downloaders and heavy gamers,” according to Buscher.

All of these random numbers reminded me of the scene in The Manchurian Candidate when a very frustrated Mrs. Iselin decided the only way her McCarthyesque husband, Senator John Iselin, would be able to remember how many Communists he accused of working for the State Department, was to try and memorize a single number.  The Heinz Ketchup bottle touting “57 varieties” served quite nicely, allowing Sen. Iselin to emphatically insist that there were 57 confirmed Communists infiltrating the State Department.

Unrated.  This was a companion report produced by WFMY to allow Time Warner officials to present their side of the story about the usage cap program.
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15 years ago

95% of all statistics are made up on the spot!!!

Don’t feed the TWC monster!!! Cut the cord!

John P.
John P.
15 years ago

Some people are so f***ing dumb. Heavy gamers will NOT be feeling the caps in any real way. Unless of course your plan to game on a system like OnLive, which streams video. Online gameplay exchanges very small packets, the amount of information transferred by a game played online for an entire month wouldn’t sum to more than a fraction of a gigabyte. Online games are just not very data intensive… People need to stop trying to use this as a talking point, even the heaviest of gamers will simply not be affected, no one will have to cancel their… Read more »

German John
German John
15 years ago
Reply to  John P.

I am metering my usage playing an on line mmo. So far this April I have used 1.6gb of data and this includes e-mail, program downloads, browsing and game updates…no heavy gamers for an average mmo (EQ2)are not affected.


15 years ago

I installed SurplusMeter (http://www.macupdate.com/info.php/id/20884/surplusmeter)
on my Mac. It’s free.

In the last 12 hours (1/2 day) just with e-mail and this site active and of course the constant buzzing of the modem, I’ve consumed half of my daily projected allotment based on 40 gig/month.

How’s that stack up with your “fraction of a gig”?

15 years ago

That fits with what the Rochester TWC “Residential Account Specialist” told me yesterday in what was described as visiting the customers in her area to make sure everything is ok with their service. The Rochester spin, however, is that the cap would only impact the upper 14% who download 2 or 3 movies a day. It was a pleasant conversation but all I received were assurances that the cap would not have impacted me using RR Lite — even though I may be actively connected for hours on end — and should I wish to increase the speed, the next… Read more »

15 years ago

Based on my results above, folks on the lowest tier, 1 gig – correct me if I’m wrong – would be in overage daily.

John P.
John P.
15 years ago
Reply to  Dave

I mean, you are wrong… there are a lot of people that will not transfer more than a Gigabyte in a month. They are also people who don’t really use much of the internet. A gigabyte in a month is about equivalent to 35MB/day. This number can easily be more than some people need.

On the other hand some users will blow through that in a matter of seconds…

It’s all based on what people do with the internet…

15 years ago

That TW Mouthpiece has really been practicing her body language performance.

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