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Off Topic #1: When The Most “Provocative” Talk Show Host on TV Was John Davidson

Phillip Dampier April 24, 2009 Video 2 Comments

From time to time, I am going to go off topic a moment with something I find ironic or amusing and completely besides the point.  If you’re filled with the anger about usage caps, this is your place to take a deep breath and let it out.

One of my side interests is collecting older clips from radio and television.  Recalling when cable television was run by mom and pop cable companies who dutifully brought in those “superstations” we all wanted to see, one of them was WOR from New York (later WWOR from Secaucus, NJ).  While browsing around the Interweb Tubes, I ran into a promo for The John Davidson Show.  Now, for those “too young” to remember, Davidson and his hair were staples on network television variety shows, game shows, and anything that had an “all star cast” in it.  That could range from The Love Boat to “a major motion picture made especially for television;” the man was not hard to find.

What was hard to believe was that WOR was running these ads for his show claiming he was the most “provocative” talk show host on television.  Well, perhaps then.  But chairs were never thrown and hair was never yanked out on his program.  This was the era of Gary Collins on Hour Magazine after all.  The only thing controversial I ever recall Davidson doing was in 1974 when he turned up as a guest star in the Streets of San Francisco, as a cross-dressing lounge singer who killed his fans while in drag.

Plus, there has never been anything provocative about Bert Convy either, who turns up as a guest in the clip.  Trivia question, who is the other guest in this clip?

If you are 40ish, you’ll remember the big flying “9.”

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Uncle Ken
Uncle Ken
15 years ago

Phil remember today is friday your day off to do things you enjoy doing. Everybody needs a day off and the issues are not going anywhere. Goverment just does not move that fast. So take tomorrow off. Later TOMORROW night play with your new frontier kit and wonder what you will do with the other two kits that at some point will show up. If they try to bill you before you even get online well you know what to do about that and if they want their boxes back tell them to pick them up. You spent enough gas… Read more »

Uncle Ken
Uncle Ken
15 years ago

And stop saying 40ish it makes me look like I should become an old lamp shade. EVERYBODY will be at my point in time soon enough. They only think they wont be truth is they will.

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