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WFMY Triad – Greensboro Mayor Looking for Competitor for Time Warner

Phillip Dampier April 22, 2009 Video 5 Comments

During the usage cap controversy, public officials in the Triad of North Carolina had their hands tied because competitive alternatives for the area just couldn’t provide an equivalent level of service.  Greensboro mayor Yvonne Johnson sought out other cable companies to potentially wire her city.  Unfortunately, cable operators have traditionally maintained their informal agreement to not overbuild, or compete in cities where another operator already provides service.

[This story appeared before last week’s announcement that Time Warner had temporarily shelved the usage caps in these communities.]

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15 years ago

I live in Greensboro. I don’t have much faith in our elected officials, including the mayor. This sort of “we’ll look into it” mentality is very unfortunate.

15 years ago

This also proves why the duopolies can’t be trusted to be the gatekeepers of the internet. Collusion between the duopolies prevents them from competing with each other. They also work together to prevent new competitors from entering the markets. One example would be them presenting a unified voice to the FCC when they are considering new rules that would allow new competitors into the market.

15 years ago

The City needs to do what Wilson NC did, offer their own internet/tv service. God I wish they would do it here in Charlotte.

15 years ago

If I do remember correctly, something special’s coming to Charlotte. I don’t remember what it is/was, but I think it was super high-speed Internet. Charlotte along with ten other major cities. Try Googling it. I can’t remember.

15 years ago

I sent an e-mail to Greenlight, the service offered in Wilson County, asking whether or not they had any intent on expanding their service due to the popular demand. Unfortunately, I received a no answer–disappointing as a Greensboro resident.

The e-mail left me on a note though to just clone the same scenario and start our own service. I’d favor a Triad-wide provider, personally.

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