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WXII Greensboro – The Triad of North Carolina Says, “Oh My Gosh! No Thank You!” to Usage Caps & Rationing

Phillip Dampier April 20, 2009 Video 13 Comments

Last week, when Time Warner brought forth their “new and improved” tier system, North Carolina elected not to drink the Time Warner Kool-Aid, and said, emphatically, “no thank you” to the proposal. Time after time, customers told this company it had no interest in metered broadband or ludicrous rate increases for the same level of service. For more than two weeks, the company ignored its customers. Now that the plan is temporarily on hold, customers are catching their breath across the Triad, but they aren’t fooled. They know Time Warner will be back for more, sooner or later.

“That’s ridiculous.  I’m not going to pay for that.”

thumbs-up5Another home run story for WXII which gave viewers the fact Time Warner is doing very well financially with the existing service they provide.  Too often, media outlets just accept the statements being made by company officials at face value and just repeat them.  As we’ve come to learn with this story, that’s a very dangerous thing to do if you are interested in informing viewers about the truth.
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15 years ago

Ugh… Why did they put an IE logo on that graphic? Internet Explorer != The Internet. In fact, it does a pretty bad job at displaying a lot of the Internet correctly.

I know this has nothing to do with the battle at hand, but it just goes to show how little the general public knows about the Internet.

15 years ago
Reply to  Elliot

Elliot – on Ubuntu/Firefox = no IE logos. Try it. I’m in Clemmons, outside Winston-Salem. The local village gets $210,000/year from TW but the village budget says “Cable franchise tax has been replaced with local video programming revenues that are now collected and re‐distributed by the State. Future revenue growth realized by this industry will benefit the State budget. However local governments revenue will remain at levels established at 2007 levels with no potential for future growth.” So does that mean local government has no say – and Time Warner has locked in their costs? Could be why they are… Read more »

15 years ago
Reply to  Chris

It’s in the content of the video.

15 years ago

Who cares what browser icon they showed! Get your head in the game and talk about REAL problems dude. I liked that the reporter repeated the profits are up but costs are down argument, that is the one every person seems to understand the best no matter how tech savvy you are.

15 years ago
Reply to  George

I know it’s completely unrelated; it was just something that irked me.

Trust me, I have my head in the game. 😉

15 years ago

I like the response from the girl with the sunglasses on. I also like how they added the part at the end about profits were up 11% while costs dropped 12%. The Mayor looked like she was ready to rumble. Good luck to you guys down there!

Simon Seyz
Simon Seyz
15 years ago

Whoa… my Internet connection is unusually slow right now. Is TWC purposely slowing down peoples’ connections to prove the Internet is running out? BTW, I’m in Greensboro.

Uncle Ken
Uncle Ken
15 years ago

Yes the video of that woman was great she never paused to think about what she was going to say just spoke what she thought.

Uncle Ken
Uncle Ken
15 years ago

Simon who knows what tricks TWC will use to further their cause.

Simon Seyz
Simon Seyz
15 years ago

This is the first time in a long while since my connection’s been so slow. It might just be a snafu or coincidence. I don’t know. My connection’s improved right now so I don’t know what to think.

Uncle Ken
Uncle Ken
15 years ago

Simon your only going to run at the speed of the big pipes. You may be getting ready for bed soon but the other half of the world is just waking up. It really is pointless to have 50 down and 5 up. You will not see those speeds once your out of TWC area the straw pipes as I call them. There are just not enough lines moving all that data to fit at the same time and it becomes more and more everyday. Just for grins do a tracert to a place like microsoft.com and watch just how… Read more »

Uncle Ken
Uncle Ken
15 years ago

Simon I did a tracert to Phils site and it never left TWC’s area 4 hops very quick and bam I was there. Being only a mile apart it figured that would be the case but lets say some part of TWC net was run over by a truck one strenght of the net is it will always find a path even if it has to run across the world to get there.

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