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WGHP Greensboro – Greensboro to Time Warner: “This is Not Fair; It’s Bordering on a Monopoly”

Phillip Dampier April 20, 2009 Video 5 Comments

[Editor’s Note: Time Warner suspended, at least temporarily, the “experiment” in usage caps last week, according to company officials.  This news report was produced and broadcast prior to that announcement.]

Residents across Time Warner’s Triad region in North Carolina continued protesting the company’s proposed broadband usage cap experiment last week, calling it unfair and bordering on monopolistic.  Greensboro’s city council was “on the same page” on the issue of resisting the incumbent cable broadband provider and were seeking competive alternatives, as WGHP reports:

thumbs-up6Fox 8 in the Triad covers the story from the perspective of a local government trying to find ways to respond to consumer complaints about Time Warner’s experiment.  Cities struggle to find competitive alternatives, but discover that’s an improbability during the current economic crisis.  This report features a dial-up modem handshake sequence (the noise you hear towards the end of the report.)  Many consumers in this part of North Carolina may be stuck going back to dial-up Internet access if usage caps this draconian return.
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15 years ago

Everything Time Warner says is like a Nigerian email scam.
“Dear Sir/ Madam
My name is ALEX finance minster for the Republic of Time Warner. I need 110 dollars more a month to help you save money”

Hong Niu
Hong Niu
15 years ago

They’re all a bunch of liars.

Concerend and confused
Concerend and confused
15 years ago

What is there that the city council can’t do? Does the city council not have any control in what business the allow to operate within the area? Can the city not revoke the right of TWC to do business in the city of Greensboro, and the surrounding Triad cities, also, disallow TWC to do busines within their cities as well. That would pretty much shut down TWC operations, and show how important this cap issue is to both the cities, and the consumers. Clearwire isn’t the best alternative, but it is available here in the Triad and $20 cheaper than… Read more »

15 years ago

Statement from Landel Hobbs, Chief Operating Officer, Time Warner Cable RE: Consumption based billing trials 4-9-09 Some recent press reports about our four consumption based billing trials planned for later this year were premature and did not tell the full story. With that said, we realize our communication to customers about these trials has been inadequate and we apologize for any frustration we caused. We’ve heard the passionate feedback and we’ve taken action to address our customers’ concerns. With the ever-increasing flood of content on the Internet, bandwidth consumption is growing exponentially. That’s a good thing; however, there are costs… Read more »

15 years ago

Time Warner’s attempt to sugar coat their egregious money play and deceive their customer base is nothing short of obscene. TWC’s awkward attempts to spin and paint monopolistic abuse as good for the community is insulting….but certainly no less insulting than their need to RE-educate their customer base before telling them to bend over this fall. ROFLMAO!!! I’ve said it before…my final word will be to cancel ALL TIME WARNER SERVICES if they attempt to impose a cap. Have a Nice Day TWC. 🙂

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