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Rep. Eric Massa (D-NY) Remains Fully Engaged on Time Warner Cap Issue

Phillip Dampier April 20, 2009 Public Policy & Gov't, Video 4 Comments

Rep. Eric Massa (D-NY) remains vigilant as we begin Time Warner Cap Watch, our effort to keep an eye on Time Warner, which shelved its broadband usage cap plan last week (temporarily in our view.)

Congressman Massa gets the issue, and spoke out at a recent Town Hall meeting on the absurdity of Time Warner’s Internet rationing plan. Courtesy: Rochester Turning

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Uncle Ken
Uncle Ken
15 years ago

Great video! Thankyou

15 years ago

He must be a supporter of Fiber to the Home as well besides supporting anti-capping 🙂

15 years ago

Here is Dan Maffei on Time Warner (on rochesterturning.com)


He said he would work Massa and ask other question.

15 years ago

I’m so happy Rep. Massa is in the House. Go NY! Thanks from Greensboro. If I could vote for him, I would. I would even prefer him to the people we got representing us in NC. If TWC had any brains they’d have started with NC only because our elected officials are utterly useless.

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