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KVUE Austin – The Internet Generation Confronts Usage Caps

Phillip Dampier April 20, 2009 Video 1 Comment

KVUE-TV is Austin examined the impact Time Warner’s proposed usage caps would have on younger users, part of the “Internet generation.”  Disproportionately heavier users of the net, these “heavy users” are often the ones who will be the first to lose the innovative net services they have depended on, because of the exhorbitant charges Time Warner was proposing to access them.  But the impact doesn’t stop there.  Innovative broadband applications that become unaffordable to use cause job losses, hurt the economy, and allow the United States to fall behind other countries that charge lower prices for faster Internet access.

thumbs-up6 A straightforward and honest package from KVUE, focusing on the “younger user” angle, and how usage caps impact them in their daily lives.  “Worried,” is the common reaction among younger users accustomed to flat rate Internet.  Many students spend more time online than they do watching television, a factor that obviously concerns a cable operator that sells packages of video channels they may choose to reject.
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15 years ago

I suspect the source cited for the video to be incorrect. It does not appear to be a KVUE (Austin) produced piece. I’m fairly positive it is an KENS (San Antonio) piece; the outdoor shots and student interviews were filmed on the campus of UT-San Antonio (which is 80 miles from Austin), and the reporter is possibly Chris Sadeghi of KENS in San Antonio. Both KVUE and KENS are owned by Belo Corp. of Dallas and share news production resources. Identifying the producing station and reporter would be as simple as asking. I found the email contact information for Chris… Read more »

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