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Wednesday Evening News & Notes

Phillip Dampier April 15, 2009 Editorial & Site News 5 Comments

dampier4We are becoming overloaded with traffic again, and the server went down briefly around 5:00pm this afternoon. The growth here continues to simply explode beyond our wildest dreams, and your activism and interest on this issue is exactly what we need to fight back! We will be exploring expanding our server yet again for the second time in two weeks to handle all of our new and returning friends.

There should be some exciting developments tomorrow afternoon on this issue (no, TW has not changed their mind, but they are about to get another major headache.)  As I told my skeptical friend out in Buffalo last Sunday, and I know he’s reading this, “I’m sure the impact we are making is less than I might hope, but more than you think.”  I think I’m right.

Later this evening, I am going to try and overhaul the comment software to finally allow you to edit comments after they get posted. I am also exploring creating a list of article titles on the home page to allow our new visitors to find articles that have long since left the first page.

Thanks for all your great news tips and comments. I will be covering the FCC angle very shortly. For our North Carolina friends, a question. I have been told I have been too narrow on this issue by focusing on Greensboro. Would you prefer I change my reference to TW down there to encompass the entire Triad region? I don’t want us to miss anyone who might be impacted by this issue. Leave your comments. I read ’em all!

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Susie Foo
Susie Foo
15 years ago

Keep up the good work! And good luck with the servers.

15 years ago

Hey Phil: What do we know about this visit if it is true, and how can we make sure Senator Schumer knows about our point of view?

from: http://www.13wham.com/news/local/story/Time-Warner-Meeting-Called-Over-Controversial/Nc7oBC3WHUKNKcvY1UfOQA.cspx?p=Comments

User “MUSHERR” 5:14 p.m.: Sen. Charles Schumer will be in Rochester on Wednesday and Thursday this week. He said that the Wednesday afternoon that the visit is in regards to TWC’s plan, and what’s being done to stop it. Rochester will not be a guinea pig hes said.

15 years ago

I hope this is good news for all of us: from: http://rochesterhomepage.net/content/fulltext/?cid=84811 Sen. Schumer to Get Involved in Bandwidth Battle? Reported by: WROC-TV Wednesday, Apr 15, 2009 @03:06pm EST New York’s senior senator tells News 8 that he doesn’t want Rochester used as a guinea pig for Time Warner Cable’s new tiered bandwidth system. Sen. Charles Schumer will be in Rochester on Thursday afternoon. He said Wednesday afternoon that the visit is in regards to TWC’s plan, and what’s being done to stop it. Rochester has been designated as one of two test markets for the tiered billing system. That… Read more »

Uncla Ken
Uncla Ken
15 years ago

Phil: There are now many sites that I visit every day talking about the TWC issue. Ill try to post some URL’s so others can read what the rest of the world thinks. Stop The Cap is a focal point the reason your getting the hits but you knew that. The train is moving and it cant slow down or be stopped now.

15 years ago

Hey Phil, is the site by any chance running off of a Dedicated server? Might want to look into getting one if the site traffic keeps growing.

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