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Stop the Cap! Makes G4’s ‘The Feed’: Welcome G4 Viewers

Phillip Dampier April 15, 2009 Video 5 Comments

Welcome to viewers of G4, the basic cable channel for video game and technology enthusiasts.  You found us courtesy of Attack of the Show’s The Feed.

StoptheCap! is in the fight against broadband usage caps, no matter where they are or what company tries to slap them on their customers.  Read up. Ask questions. Get involved. Join the fight!

Video Game – Video Game Reviews – Attack of the Show
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15 years ago

she’s yummy!

15 years ago

Excellent! We also made the Wall Street Journal (7th paragraph down) http://online.wsj.com/article/BT-CO-20090415-712479.html

Careful when you read some of Dudley’s quotes…they will make you sick.

Bill Davis
Bill Davis
15 years ago

Thats great news. I my wife and I watch AOTS all the time. The fan base is huge!

Bradley K.
Bradley K.
15 years ago

G4 got the facts wrong. Comcast is not “considering” a cap — it’s already been implemented at 250 gig a month.

15 years ago

This is deliciously ironic, er something, in my world. Since we upgraded to TWC’s “free” HD DVR, we don’t get sound on a bunch on non-HD channels. G4TV is one of the channels that I have to watch online.

Don’t you just love that I am going to be charged extra with the caps to watch TV programming that they’re supposed to provide (because I pay out the nose for 3-in-one) but don’t get?


– Exasperated and angry.

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