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Friday Night Notes

Phillip Dampier April 10, 2009 Editorial & Site News 12 Comments

I heard the event with Rep. Massa went very well, with some news media showing up and the folks at one of the local political blogs here evidently recorded much of it. I hope we can embed the resulting video here on StoptheCap!

I have elected to spend the rest of this evening catching up on e-mail from everyone, and there is a lot of it. I am working my way from oldest to newest, and considering I’ve had about six hours sleep in four days, it’s remarkable I am still typing away. Your e-mail has been important to me, and I want to give it the attention it deserves.

Our thoughts also go out to reader Rachel, who had a family member require emergency surgery tonight. Here’s to a speedy recovery!

Finally, about five people have asked me why I don’t Twitter. The answer has always been “I don’t know.” I guess in my mind, I can’t imagine why anyone would care what I was doing or thinking at any particular moment. But if you think it would be interesting to have an idea of what I am working on or doing, maybe I’ll start. Leave your thoughts in the comment section.

I will be producing more content here all weekend long. I hope you have a good one.

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15 years ago

How about putting some kind of thing on the page where people could pledge to cancel their service when the TW caps go into place?

15 years ago

Sign me up! I’d be glad to make the pledge.

Danny Gibas
Danny Gibas
15 years ago

where do i sign?

15 years ago

TWC says that 30 percent of its customers use less than 1GB/month. This is very hard to believe if you consider that anyone with RoadRunner broadband is using a minimum of 1.3 Gigabytes a month (this is based on only having one computer on 5 hours a day) just by being connected to a Time Warner RoadRunner Modem. You do not have to even open a web browser to achieve this! All that is needed is to turn on your PC or Laptop. The cause of this is the constant connection between RoadRunner’s modem and DHCP server and the network… Read more »

15 years ago

Does anyone know what speeds they are going to offer if they push this through? Right now we are charged by speed, with the lite, standard and turbo packages. If they get their way and charge by usage, all the tiers should be at the fastest speed they can give us since they are not going by that anymore, or are they going to factor connection speed into the tiers also?

It would be total bs if they cap us and also set/restrict connection speeds for each tier.

15 years ago
Reply to  Larry

They appear to have chosen the “Total BS” option.

Karl Brustmeyer
Karl Brustmeyer
15 years ago

We are mobilizing in Greensboro to fight against the utter show of Greed and Disregard from TWC. Time Warner Cable has shown us that that it cares more about feeding its coffers than the struggles of the American people in this recession. If we allow TWC to get away with this plunder other ISP’s will follow (they always do). We need to form a written campaign and protest if we have too.

Chris Acheson
15 years ago

Re: Twitter, microblogging may be useful for coordinating protests and the like. I would urge folks to check out identi.ca, which is an open-source alternative to Twitter that aims to interoperate with all other microblogging sites. It features groups (there’s already a Rochester group), which will surely be useful for issue campaigns like this.

For those of you that are already on Twitter, it also allows you to easily connect to your Twitter account for automatic cross-posting of updates.

Susan Beebe
Susan Beebe
15 years ago

I attended the Town Hall meeting tonight in Henrietta, NY and it was really great. Rep. Eric Massa (D-NY) is very passionate about this issue.

He is coordinating a Public Forum / Panel discussion with TWC execs in Rochester, NY – details will be released soon – TBD.

He correctly stated this is a “national issue”.

TWC is treating Rochester as their “guinea pig” and really doesn’t like it!!

Go Massa!!


Jeremy Brown
Jeremy Brown
15 years ago

It would be nice to see you on twitter, if only to get notes that the site was updated. There is also quite a bit of twitter chatter about the TW caps, so it may be prudent for you to see the current goings on of people who don’t frequent the site.


Chris Acheson
15 years ago
Reply to  Jeremy Brown

For site updates, just use an RSS reader (such as Google Reader). They’re really handy, as pretty much every blog, news site, webcomic, etc. has an RSS feed that you can have the reader track updates from.

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