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Thursday Afternoon Update

Phillip Dampier April 9, 2009 Editorial & Site News 5 Comments

dampier1The sun is shining again here in western New York and it’s 52 degrees.  I’m still terribly offended by those videos from the folks in Austin in short sleeved shirts and leaf-filled trees out the window.  Our spring has only just begun!

If you’ve been wondering why the number of articles has dwindled in the last two days, it’s because of the growing number of media interviews I have been doing.  Reporters from across the country are taking an active interest in this story, recognizing that what Time Warner (among others) may try in a few cities will spread like wildfire across the rest of the country if they deem their experiments “successful.”  It is gratifying to know that so many consumers have joined forces to push back against this ridiculous rationing of Internet access at top dollar pricing.

We officially broke through the barrier of 20,000 unique visitors this afternoon.  That number only counts those who have arrived since April 1st.  The top three states being New York (13,043), Texas (3,126), and North Carolina (1,592) for obvious reasons.  More than 4,000 new people found this site yesterday alone.

I am pleased that more than 400 of you have already e-mailed news tips, story links, ideas, and/or have volunteered to help in this group effort.  If you have not seen your story idea or link appear here yet, it’s only because I haven’t gotten around to it yet.  Please don’t stop sending that information.

I have also been working on bringing more writers into our team.  It is my intention to find small groups willing to spearhead our efforts in each of the affected cities.  It appears Austin has gotten ready to step up and be the first, outside of me keeping tabs on what’s happening here in Rochester.  These local efforts are extremely important because each of you in your respective communities know what needs to be done, and it’s going to be easier for some of you to get that information up here fast than wait for me to get to it.  We are always looking for more people.

To get involved, just find the link below on the left to register for an account and send me a note on the Contact form asking for access to the editor.  I will e-mail you back instructions and guidelines, and then get started.

Over the weekend, I am going to create new tags for each of the affected cities, making it easier for people to find out about upcoming events and projects in each area.

I believe keeping us working together as a team is going to be more effective than scattering efforts across multiple sites.  StoptheCap! is about you and the power we have together to force back anti-consumer behavior.  The time has come to say, “we’ve had enough.”

If you are able to attend any of the upcoming events, and you are permitted to record the event, you can then upload your video to DailyMotion, YouTube or any of the other sites that permit us to embed your videos and we will get it up here for everyone to watch.

If you’ve arrived here because of an article in a local newspaper or TV newscast, welcome.  I know you probably have a lot of questions.  Many of them are probably already answered in one of the earlier articles we have here.  This site has the latest content first, and then works its way back in time from there.  You can access the pages that interest you from the Select Category box in the upper left of your screen.  Just click it and a box will open with various topics.  Select one that interests you and all articles pertaining to that topic will appear.  Most categories will have several pages of articles to review.  At the very bottom of the page, you can find a search box to find anything specific.  Also be sure to see the links running horizontally along the top banner.  You may want to explore Alternatives and Take Action regularly, as those sections will be updated often.

Many readers comment on the articles here.  Right beneath the headline, you will see “Comments.”  You can click that and read and reply to any of the reader comments found there.

I have more content on the way, so check back often!

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15 years ago

I am glad to hear about the media starting to look over this issue. This morning in Austin I went by two ATT stores to talk about stopthecap.com and let them know that not putting a cap on broadband could really help them get customers. Everyone in these stores was reading posts on this website on their blackberrys when I left. 🙂 They told me they are starting to use this now in their sales pitch to customers that ATT has no cap. I know ATT has a beta going on right now, but I think they are watching to… Read more »

15 years ago

I had just sent a link to Phil … this is totally unacceptable … these jerks at Time Warner just don’t get it.


Josh Beck
Josh Beck
15 years ago
Reply to  Mazakman

Let me do the math on that:

Yep, still taking advantage in a marketplace where competition is limited.
They’d get killed on this in areas where consumers have choice.

No good. My response is still the same. They meter. I drop.

James Lang
James Lang
15 years ago

Hey Sunflower good catch but I still hear blah blah blah from time warner.
Need help gathering Information on other Service providers in Austin that we can go with. Please send me all the information you can find on speed and price and I will put them on my website for Austin

[email protected]

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