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Friday Morning Coffee & Open Thread

Phillip Dampier April 3, 2009 Editorial & Site News, Frontier 13 Comments

Good morning.

It appears we’ve managed a successful move to a much more robust and responsive server, hopefully putting an end to the crushing slowdowns we were dealing with yesterday afternoon as traffic overwhelmed us.   If you encounter any errors or problems, please let me know.

I spent part of last evening listening to some of the sources I developed back during the Frontier 5GB proposed cap debacle from last summer, and have been able to gain some interesting insights, at least for the Rochester market.

1) Time Warner employees locally aren’t exactly thrilled, saddled with Rochester being a “test city” for the Internet rationing plan for Road Runner.  I suspect there is a growing consensus that Rochester will become the early epicenter for the pushback against these caps as the story has hit a major nerve in this community and continues to drive news coverage and activism.  Some of the local employees know perfectly well this is a very vocal community when it comes to technological development, and the headaches have just begun for them.

This decision to impose caps comes from outside of this area, and the one thing I think we all agreed on is that this is not Beaumont, Texas.  The phone calls and e-mails to Time Warner are coming in fast and furious, and need to continue to come in.  The cancellations have already begun as people decide that after the last substantial rate hike for cable services, just a month or two ago, this was the final straw.  What really matters most to Time Warner will be the number of people who actually leave.  Everyone complains.  So “complain and bear it” is really not going to be too effective in the long run.  They are ready for that.

2) It appears the actual effective date for the rationing plan with the punitive overage charges will go into effect in Rochester on November 1st.  I don’t know if this is also the date for Austin and San Antonio.  Greensboro was supposed to start earlier than the other “lucky cities.”

3) Frontier is actually sitting back and reflecting on what Time Warner has done which is a very good sign.  Time Warner was convinced that Frontier would announce its own cap and provide cover for Time Warner in Rochester.  But there are some in management who are echoing my own beliefs that this is a golden opportunity to consider dropping the cap plan they pondered last summer and pull the rug out from under Time Warner by dropping any notion of a cap and going on the attack.  Imagine the advertising mailers and ads bashing Time Warner for rationing Internet for their customers and forcing them to watch a gas gauge while on Frontier, you can sit back and just enjoy your Internet service without being afraid of budget busting cable bills.  Keeping people with Frontier, especially on a bundle, also can help preserve their wired telephone business, which has been hurting as people flip to digital phone products or just use their cell phones.

I also reflected I felt like Julie, your cruise director, about the irony of this site directing customers away from Frontier last summer over the prospects of a 5GB usage cap, but now directing people back to a renewed Frontier that boldly makes smart choices to win back customers they’ve lost over the years.  Let’s hope those forward thinking Frontier executives are able to convince this company they can have an amazing spike in new business by using this opportunity to their advantage.  I will post an Open Letter to Frontier here soon enough.

In other developments this morning, the Democrat & Chronicle is looking for people willing to speak on this issue on camera for a major story this Sunday.  If you are interested and are in Rochester, call Jeff Blackwell at (585) 258-2712.

Patrice Walsh at WHAM-TV made an error in her news report last evening by stating Verizon FIOS has had usage caps for the last 18 months.  Oops!  Whoever told her that got it completely wrong.  Verizon FIOS has no usage caps with their service.  And there has been a lot of speculation in our own comments section about what Earthlink is going to do.  The tech support and front line customer service people are not aware of corporate policy, so they are simply reflecting back what they’ve been trained to say.  We are still waiting for corporate communications representatives to get back to us with a definitive answer.  Right now, no caps on Earthlink.

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15 years ago

[Editor Note: To protect your privacy, I have redacted some of this chat transcript. –Phil] Well, I switched to EarthLink yesterday, and was contacted by Time Warner Cable to install this today. I told them they should call me back after work. I thought it might be interesting to share my experience with the online Earthlink Sales Rep here. Take from this what you will. — Thank you for choosing our secure EarthLink Sales chat. All agents are –currently assisting other customers. Thank you for your patience. You are –number ‘1’ of ‘1’ customers in line. Your estimated wait is… Read more »

15 years ago

I am an All in One customer. Let me just say I regret that upfront. I am curious however how this will impact customers who subscribe to Road Runner with Turbo Boost. I may have missed that info but I am searching for anything I can find. I would also like to know if TW is going to bring a Spam Filter that actually works to alleviate the tons of spam email I get everyday and do not want. That alone will start eating up my usage before I even get going. I have little choice for Internet where I… Read more »

15 years ago

Just found this website today. I am disturbed by this announcement. Once I got RR several years ago, I said I’d never get rid of it. In fact I wouldn’t even entertain looking at other providers. I was that pleased with my RR service. Now, it looks like I may get rid of it. My fiancee and I are already talking about switching to Frontier. Is there any way to create a central online petition for RR customers to sign off on their utter disapproval of this change? Where do I sign?

jon b
jon b
15 years ago

I moved to Clifton Springs,NY a few years back and found that the small phone company here Ontario Tel. held a small monopoly on the area,it was expensive for their DSL and landline phone was outrageous,everywhere i called was long distance.incensed, i cancelled all Ontario tel. and went to Time warner RR and a Voip company called Packet8. NOW THIS?capping usage with extra fees? I just got a netflix box to fight time warners horrendous “on demand”.I am not going to accept this and will fight it.i use majicjack,and netflix box,this is what pisses them off…I will buy an expensive… Read more »

Scott Cranfill
15 years ago

Bang-up coverage, Phil! Keep up the awesome work.

I linked my Twitter account to my name above. I’m hitting the TWC reps on Twitter periodically (and they’re actually responding), and spreading knowledge about the proposal among my (admittedly small amount of) Twitter followers.

If you’d like a letter to appropriate to tell Time Warner of your intentions to cancel your service if this goes through, check out the one I’m using here:


(remember, putting it into your own words is always best, but that’s a start)

jon b
jon b
15 years ago

i never thought id do this.. but here is a DSL alternative to Frontier and Roadrunner..unlimited DSL for $49.95.
business is about to boom for them!!!
Finger lakes technologies group Zoom DSL:

Danny Gibas
Danny Gibas
15 years ago

Just wanted to put some Contact info out there for everyone to direct their complaints. Please disseminate.

Time Warner Cable
Company Contacts:
Missy Mans (Regional Vice President, Customer Care Time Warner Cable of NY/NJ)
41-61 Kissena Blvd.
Flushing, New York 11355

Alex Dudley Vice President Public Relations
[email protected]
twitter: AlexTWC

Time Warner CEO/President: Glenn A. Britt
Phone: (203) 328-0670
Fax: (203) 328-3295
[email protected]
Time Warner General Counsel
Marc Lawrence Apfelbaum
Phone: (203) 328-0631
Fax: (203) 328-4094
[email protected]

New York State Attorney General, Andrew Cuomo, Online Complaint Form for Website, Online or ISP complaints:


Uncle Ken
Uncle Ken
15 years ago

Im in no way for this cap madness, more money less service. The call to arms should continue and increase ten fold. Keep up the pressure tell your friends to complain anybody that can, email, snail mail, a phone call, everything you can think of. That being said there is a method to their madness. The big bandwidth users likely to jump ship first and move on are just what TW wants. Loose 5 percent opens up 20 percent more lower caped users with no infrastructure changes. To be a manager at TW that did not have the vision to… Read more »

15 years ago

Working my way up the TWC email chain, but i am switching to earthlink, possibly DSL im not sure how the service is in my area (penfield) but ill be damned if I let TWC get away with this without a fight.

15 years ago

Here is a Link to a Petition for Rochester Customers to sign.


15 years ago

My TV bill is out of control. In my house we have 3 TVs, each with cable tv service. We get about 65 channels, but no HD programming. My husband really wants HD for his sports. Baseball season is coming and he is anxious to get it. For what I consider limited service I pay 125 dollars a month. Does that seem way too high? What is a better idea if I wanted HD??

15 years ago

I’m the only one in this world. Can please someone join me in this life? Or maybe death…

14 years ago

Hi nto All
My computer worked slowly, too much mistakes and buggs. Help me, please to fix buggs on my PC.
I used Windows7.

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