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Our “Take Action” Plans

Phillip Dampier August 20, 2008 Editorial & Site News 2 Comments

It has been quiet here the last few days as work continues on our expanded Resources section.   Some sample Letters to the Editor are online already, but additional writing is underway to help people do more than just read about usage caps, but also fight them.   Keep an eye out for developments.

I am also contacting many of those who have written in who want to get more actively involved in fighting the cap issue, in addition to joining a team of writers to post articles, news, and links to other stories on this issue.   We welcome anyone who wants to help join the fight.   Just use the Contact form or reply with a Comment and I’ll be in touch.

Some important articles are in the works on the issue of usage caps, including at least one major wire service report which should land in newspapers around the country which should appear in the next few days.

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15 years ago

Why not start a petition as well? Especially in states with Initiative & Referendum, where you can post printable petition sheets to be taken on on the streets to collect signatures? Also, something along the lines of NORML’s petition pages/legislative alerts would be very helpful on this site. It’s well worth the effort for this site to set this up, here’s an example page: http://capwiz.com/norml2/issues/alert/?alertid=11280351 Make it easy for us to send petitions like the above, and I’m sure you’ll get responses flooding in soon enough. How about some printable pamphlets too? The arguments presented in the ‘talking points’ are… Read more »

15 years ago

Ohh, and put in captcha before the spammers find this site. You’ll have to eventually, and might as well do it before they make a mess of things 😉

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