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Stop the Cap.com vs. Stop the Cap.org

Phillip Dampier August 17, 2008 Editorial & Site News No Comments

It was a good thing we launched when we did.   The Working Families Party and the Alliance for Quality Education were stuck with Stopthecap.org for their new website to protest New York Governor David Patterson’s plan to cap property taxes in New York State.   They launched a high price advertising campaign across the state to get people to contact their elected officials and get them to say no:

Property Taxes are a real problem. But the tax cap gimmick will hurt our schools, and won’t even reduce property taxes.  

If you arrived here looking for that website, it’s because you reflexively typed stopthecap.com  into your web browser.   But before you go, take a moment and read up on an issue New Yorkers are likely to face in the next twelve months –  unjustified usage caps on your Internet access, now proposed or being  tested  by two major Internet providers in the state – Frontier Communications and  Time-Warner’s Road Runner service.

We’re devoted to protecting consumer interests, and as a fellow New Yorker that is already paying too much for everything in the Empire State,  the last thing we all need is to cough up $40 a month (or more) for Internet access that limits you to watching two movies a month, or  charges you outrageous overage fees for anything you use above the limit.

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