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South Korea Prepares for 10Gbps Broadband; Transfer 1GB File in 0.8 Seconds

Phillip Dampier October 14, 2014 Broadband Speed, Consumer News, Public Policy & Gov't 35 Comments

sk 10 gigWhile AT&T and Verizon argue over an FCC proposal that would set 10Mbps as America’s new minimum speed to qualify as “broadband,” South Korea is positioning itself to introduce 10Gbps fiber service.

SK Broadband will introduce its new 10 gigabit per second Internet service at the Oct. 20 Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunications Union to be held at Busan’s BEXCO Center, in partnership with the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning and the National Information Society Agency.

With the latest advances in broadband technology coming mostly from Asian countries like Japan and South Korea, citizens of both countries are proud of the fact they are way ahead of the United States.

“In the 1960s the world watched NASA send men to the moon and many of us grew up amazed at the constant advancements of the Americans,” said Natsuki Kumagai. “Now the Americans watch us.”

“In my travels to the United States, it is very plain they have lost their way in advancing broadband technology,” said Pyon Seo-Ju. “Internet access is terribly slow and expensive because American politicians have sacrificed Americas’s technology leadership to protect conglomerates and allow them to flourish. Although unfortunate for America, this has given Korea a chance to promote our own industry and enhance the success of companies like Samsung that are well-known in the United States today.”

SK Broadband says its 10Gbps will be 100 times faster than Korea’s current average broadband speed of 100Mbps. Downloading a 1GB file takes 80 seconds with Korea’s average broadband connection today. SK’s new 10Gbps service will download the same file in 0.8 seconds.

The broadband company’s booth doesn’t hold back touting its global leadership in broadband, with the slogan “World’s Fastest, World’s First” seen throughout the conference center.

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10 years ago

I live in South Korea and have 100m up 100m down fiber to my apartment that I pay 34 dollars a month for through KT. I hear I can get gig for a little more, but I don’t speak enough Korean to explain what I want and my current service is quite fast. I swear the upload makes a huge difference in the modern “share everything” way we use the internet. If they start offering 10g in my building I might have to learn how to say “I want internet so fast it blows my face off.”

10 years ago

i live in south africa and I have a 10mb internet uncapped which costs in the region of $135.35 (1500 zar) so please dont complain about anything till youve lived here.

10 years ago
Reply to  Morph

You don’t look at the worst and say “well at least we’re not that bad.” You look at the best and say “we can do better.” That’s how humans progress. Otherwise we’d all be stuck with your sh*t internet in your sh*t country.

10 years ago
Reply to  Morph

Right now, on speedteset I got:
2.48Mbps download and
0.62Mbps upload

10am right now, no peak/ off peak nonsense either. So its just slow every time.
Try living in Australia, its a pain in the ass for internet if you ask me.

P.S – I also pay $130/mo, and this is “ADSL2+”

10 years ago

You know this is overstating the case … unlimited data adsl2 plans are available from $60 in Australia. Average price is about $90

10 years ago
Reply to  Tim

That’s if you live in a “class 1” area. I’m still well withn “metro melbourne” yet my exchange only has Telstra ports and their considered regional. So I pay premium for my service. I personally pay 110 a month as bundling is the only way to remove the download cap

10 years ago

I could have swore your comment was written at 2gb speed.

10 years ago

One day the US will realize that we need to care less about making pro-enviroment companies happy, screw them let’s move forward and let’s kick ass again

10 years ago
Reply to  EBOLAupYOURS

@ EBOLAupYOURS Yeah because it’s the techfriendly green companies that embrace new technology that is holding it back, i heard fibre uses oil to function. It’s the “pluralist” view of conservatives, keeping the infrastructure networks private that ends up f**king you over as the actors aren’t initially big enough to make those kinds of investments and when an oligopoly or monopoly structure emerges why should they care what you need when they can milk you for all you got without making new investments..? Dont be naive, to move forward start taxing those 60$ Trillion dollars that are held in tax… Read more »

John Q
10 years ago

Prepare your plugholes.

10 years ago

Well, in Malaysia a 20mbps fiber internet will simply cost you 75USD (250MYR), and korea is considering 10Gbps.
This is considered expensive for a nearly full developed country. If this problem persist, to become a developed country is only an illusion.

Anyway, 4G speed can reach up to 75mbps speed uncapped. However, quota system kills the 4G speed.
A used up quota can throttle back to 64kbps which is nearly the speed of a dial-up.
The awkward moment when you are on 4G network however speed is like dial-up.

10 years ago

“The broadband company’s booth doesn’t hold back touting its global leadership in broadband, with the slogan “World’s Fastest, World’s First” seen throughout the conference center.”

This is very misleading, 10gbps is already available to several other contries, one example would be Norway and other scandinavian countries.

10 years ago

Just a sidenote, in Bulgaria 100Mbps up/down is ~$15/mo.

10 years ago

What is the modem being used for it

10 years ago

Is this the point where we will see the limitations of the end users technology failing to take advantage of the service? Data through a Sata III cable maxes out at 6Gbps, so even you can download the information, the computer will end up bottlenecking the data as it is unable to write at that speed. Is there faster HDD technology available to the average consumer that can take advantage of this much speed?

10 years ago
Reply to  Ryan

While your point is valid, imagine if two different computers were downloading large files at the same time. That cap is no longer relevant.

Also, what if you were downloading to a device with multiple drives in a RAID array?

10 years ago
Reply to  Ryan

Nope. the latest M.2/PCIe spec is already at 20gbps

10 years ago

in Romania 100Mbps up/down is $7(29 lei) and 1Gbps 13$

10 years ago
Reply to  german

German here.

For my VDSL2 broadband access with 50Mbps down and 10Mbps upstream I have to pay 30€ monthly…
Just wondering about the Romanian prices…

10 years ago
Reply to  friesian

For 1Gbps in Romania we pay around 12 EUR (VAT included – 24%).


10 years ago

No surprise.. 2 years ago, in the election race of the Governor of Gyeonggi Province it was the official pledges from one of top 2 candidates that he will install free public wi-fi for every bus stops and subway stations across the land… and already some part of the stations are.

Gaurav K. Guha
10 years ago

I live in Mumbai, India. I currently have a 50 mbps connection for which i pay 1200 rupees a month. Thats approximately 20 usd. So…. Haha!

G Hamar
G Hamar
10 years ago

Why am I not surprised at this – S.Korea is the de facto standard by which all others must now try to reach. You hear Comcast & Time Warner Cable saying they are suffering from network congestion of varying percentage of guesses. “We need more money from y’all in order to upgrade our pathetic and out-dated equipment, even though it’s still under warranty, and is still good for at least 15 more years.” “Oh, and thanks for ALL those years of heavily subsidized construction, sucker!” So, you have probably figured out that anybody in the USA who is on cable,… Read more »

10 years ago

In New Zealand using Vodafone Supernet (Coaxial Cable. Plan Speeds are 50mb/s / 2mb/s)
Test just ran from Christchurch to other side of Australia, Perth.

Ping: 101ms
Download: 18.2 mbps
Upload: 1.58mbps

A bit average really.

10 years ago

So korea, how much bandwidth do you have to other countries. It’s all nice and good if you got supergigabit but only get 1mbit to facebook/netflix. In sweden bredbandsbolaget does gigabit for about $130 too , but try to download from anywhere outside sweden and your 1000mbit becomes more like 10mbit.

10 years ago
Reply to  SumTinWong

‘Conveniently’ for South Korea and other culturally insular countries international traffic doesn’t matter so much, because there is a local version of every type of service hosted inside the country and people rarely want to download much from overseas (because they don’t understand English or any other foreign language, etc.).

International traffic is most important for small countries, countries that are inclined to use American-based services instead of developing their own, or countries which speak international languages (natively or not).

10 years ago

Waw! That 1 GB transfer = 0.8 seconds. 4K movie downloads in less than a minute 🙂

10 years ago

The U.S. government has been hijacked by murderous psychopaths.
They seek global domination and, using the power of the U.S. military and intelligence agencies, they’re currently obtaining it.
The only real threat to them, at this point, is the education and awakening of the American people via the Internet, so, of course, these psychopaths have no interest in greatly improving the Internet in the U.S.
If it weren’t for the fact that they use the Internet to spy on everyone, they’d prefer that it not exist it all.

Chibunna WIsdom N.
Chibunna WIsdom N.
10 years ago

Dear Sir/Madam,

Please I’m sourcing for a reliable uncapped internet service provider for my cyber cafe business. we are based in Port-Harcourt, Nigeria. Please I wish to know if your company can provide us such internet service.

I look forward hearing from you.

Yours faithfully

Chibunna Wisdom Nwaobasi
mobile: +2348063627859
skype: wisdomcn11

9 years ago

Just un f**ing believable…
They’re national average is 1gb now going to 10gb… And we’re still being sold how grand 25mbs is. With only a handful promoting 1gb as in Chattanooga, Tn or Google FOptics.

The new 4k is out, we can’t stream it. And by the time we can at a snail’s pace, 8k will be the new standard.

And it’s all due to US conglomerate and gov bs.
Ie corporate greed.

9 years ago

Who is Pyon Seo-Ju? You quote him in this article but fail to say what company he is with, what title he holds or how he is connected to SK Broadband or the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunications Union. He is a real person? Because other than this article, I can find nothing on the entire Internet on this person and that raises a red flag. Was he just some random person? Did he really make this quote? I am all for fighting data caps and having better broadband, but not for making up a story with made up… Read more »

9 years ago

here in Russia I pay 10$ for my 100mb/s download and 100mb/s upload unlimited. Since last year you can even get 200mb/s for about 15$ but 100mb/s is so fast that i didn’t even think about changing. And you can get 1gb/s connection too and many people use it but i don’t trust that company that offers 1gb’s so i stick to 100mbs/ that i have. and it’s about 5ms. so perfect for gaming. BUT it’s only in the big cities. the smaller the city is and the farther away it is frmo a big city the worse is the… Read more »

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