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Merger-Mania: Wall Street Beats Drum for Time Warner-CBS Merger

Phillip Dampier April 24, 2013 Competition, Consumer News 1 Comment

cbsTime Warner, Inc. (not the cable operator) and CBS Corp. are being encouraged by Wall Street to hurry up and just get married.

As the march towards media consolidation continues, dealmakers are salivating over a combination of CBS and Time Warner that would combine CBS’ programming and popular network with Time Warner’s extensive roster of cable channels and distribution outlets.

A merger “makes a lot of sense,” Michael Morris, a Richmond, Virginia-based analyst at Davenport & Co., told Bloomberg News in a telephone interview. “With the amount of collaboration they do, investors see it as a possibility as well.”

A merger would bring both CBS and the CW Network even closer together and give both companies even more outlets for their programming, forcing higher fees for cable networks and subscribers in the process.

timewarnerA merger deal involving CBS would run at least $35 billion, and Bloomberg says it would be the biggest U.S. media deal in more than a decade. Time Warner is definitely the larger player among the two companies with nearly twice the market capitalization of CBS.

“Content is king,” according for CBS chairman Sumner Redstone. Program producers, stations and networks involved in programming are now responsible for a significant part of your last cable rate increase as retransmission consent fees continue to rise.

Under that paradigm, mergers and acquisitions are ripe to continue as programmers seek stronger positions to demand higher fees and distributors grow larger to fight for a volume discount.

Sinclair Broadcast Group is a prime example, spending $1.8 billion in the last 18 months buying up local television stations to force more lucrative carriage deals with cable, satellite and telco TV systems.

Among the biggest recent deals: Comcast has completed its acquisition of NBC Universal and Walt Disney, which owns ABC, also now owns Pixar, Marvel Entertainment, and Lucasfilm.

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Todd WHitney
Todd WHitney
11 years ago

CNN is going to merge with ABC News division. Arik Katzenberg was in New York yesterday, ostensibly to attend a wedding. I know for a fact that he’s been trying to maneuver CNN and ABC News division together. Meaning that DIsney will be acquiring CNN from Time Warner. Everyone in LA has known this deal was in the works for a while. Arik katzenberg was sighted at Skadden, Arps headquarters at 4 Times Square just after 9am on Friday. But the question is why would Arik Katzenberg be involved when he is not acting in an agency capacity for either… Read more »

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