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Required Viewing: Sen. Al Franken Explains Big Telecom’s Big Plans to Charge You More

[flv width=”640″ height=”380″]http://www.phillipdampier.com/video/Franken FCC Net Neutrality Plan Flawed 12-20-10.flv[/flv]

Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) took to the Senate floor this weekend to explain his strong opposition to the proposed Comcast-NBC/Universal merger, how some of the nation’s largest telecom companies use limited competition to maintain confiscatory pricing for service, and why feeding the Big Telecom beast with favors requested in multi-million dollar lobbying campaigns will cost ordinary Americans more money for less service in the future.  Franken’s remarks are a refreshing change of pace from the usual Congressional rhetoric, reduced to “Obama’s takeover of the Internet,” “socialist broadband,” and “Maoist net policies” we usually hear about.  It’s well worth the time to educate yourself about Big Telecom’s agenda.  (25 minutes)

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13 years ago

Just listened to the whole thing and I’ve got to say that I think more people like Franken need to be in Congress. I may not agree with some of the things he is for, but he’s obviously the kind of person who will stick by their beliefs and not allow them to be swayed by party lines or monetary “gifts” like many other congressmen *coughJohnMcCaincoughcough*. That being said, there were just a few things I noticed during his speech: 1. Franken made a point that people have choices when they go into a grocery store or restaurant, as opposed… Read more »

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