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“Tell Me Lies, Tell Me Sweet Little Lies?” Customers Complain About Cap Confusion at Time Warner Call Centers

Phillip Dampier April 8, 2009 Issues 18 Comments

We’ve had numerous reports pouring in to StoptheCap! about the many methods Time Warner is using to try and retain their customers, who’ve already started canceling Road Runner service over the outrageous cash grab “experiment” they are conducting at the expense of residents in Austin, Greensboro, Beaumont, San Antonio and Rochester.

call centerNow I don’t put the blame for this on the customer service representatives themselves, who have absolutely nothing to do with the decision to ration your Internet access at top dollar pricing.  They are being handed memos from management with “talking points” they are expected to use to try and hold on to your business.  But as the days pass and the cancellation calls continue to come in, this Titanic mistake on the part of Time Warner management has progressed to the point where some representatives are telling some pretty tall tales in order to keep people from leaving.

Just remember, when you call to complain and/or cancel, be polite.  These people are not the ones you should direct any anger towards.  Be persistent in making sure they understand that the reason you are calling is because of this usage cap.  It’s not about how much bandwidth you get, or them trying to pit how much usage you have vs. your neighbor.  This is about the fact there is a cap coming, you pay them enough money every month already, and you are either leaving today or you will cancel the millisecond this cap project goes live and the resulting Time Warner Money Party begins.  Be persuasive.  Tell the representatives you are not going to sit and watch a “gas gauge” worrying about every little thing you do online.  They make enough of your hard earned money already.  Let them know you’ve been a loyal customer and you feel abused, and that your trust in this company is now gone.  But also let them know that there is still time for them to cancel this entire project and leave your Internet access alone.  If they do, tell them all is forgiven and you will remain a loyal customer.  If you are leaving now, let them know you will always consider coming back in the future if the company learns from its mistakes.  But just like their proposed bandwidth meter, the clock is always ticking and time is running out.

And here, from our readers, are just a sampling over the last few days of the things they are hearing when calling to complain:

“I did talk to a nice TWC rep yesterday. Don’t remember her name, but I could tell she just didn’t believe this metering was a good idea at all, even as she was giving me the script.” (Sunflower)

“When I told the rep my reason for moving was to stop paying Time Warner and that I preferred to give my money to another company. She then informed me that the media was wrong. They would not be capping my service, rather I would only have to choose a plan in the summer. (I really don’t think that the rep’s even understand what is going on).” (Jeffrey)

“I called and canceled on Friday.  The woman at Time Warner said, “Honey, are you reading those blogger people?  All they do is write in their basement and eat Cheetos and they don’t know anything. I work for the company and I am telling you we are not going to charge you more, we are just testing this to see whether people like to pay less for their Internet. This is going to save your money!” (Louisein14624) [Phil: Ah, I recognize another Morning Joe watcher when I see one… bloggers eating Cheetos….  I hate cheese flavored Styrofoam personally.]

I live in San Antonio. Here is what happened to me: This weekend I called Time Warner to let them know that metered usage is a deal breaker. They meter, I drop all services. Tonight, customer retention calls and attempts to offer me a deal on my cable. (I couldn’t believe it.) I stop the rep and let him know I’m not interested in any deals.  Once I voice my concern he states,  ‘You know that AT&T is going to do the same thing, right?’” (Josh) [Phil: AT&T is testing a 150GB cap in poor Beaumont, the city that just can’t win, to get reaction from customers.  After watching the blow back over Time Warner, perhaps they will tread more carefully.]

“TWC customer service rep told me the exact same thing in Rochester. He said you know Frontier, Verizon, etc. are all going to put in bandwidth caps.  When I told him he was wrong he tried to tell me that he was privy to insider information that Frontier and Verizon aren’t telling the public. He said he had an email from Verizon and Frontier in his inbox saying they are going to put in bandwidth caps.” (Craig)

“I got the same run around when I called. ‘We have no plans to place an internet cap on out broadband services, what we are doing this summer is simply collecting data.’” (Down With TWC!) [Phil: Simply collecting data so that we can place a usage cap on your Internet.  They are going to have a meter up over the summer so you can see your usage, before they charge you a fortune for it in the fall.]

“I called TW to ask about the new plan, and basically give them a piece of my mind. First off, I found it interesting that with no reported outages, the wait time was 20 minutes. Hmm, people with concerns maybe? So, I get a very nice lady. Mind you, I have always been happy with customer service reps there, but wow, they have been briefed heavy as of late. I was told that none of the hype in the media was substantiated, and as of [Monday], ‘there are no plans in place at this time to start any rationing of broadband in Rochester.’  I could hear the exact same conversations going on in the background, and when she asked my about what sources I had for this information, I mentioned one of the TW reps that was on the news. To which I was told that the information was taken out of context. At this point, I politely told her that for now, I was a happy customer, but by the end of the year I would be ‘getting my services from a more customer oriented company.'” (Dan) [Phil: I love it when people complain they were taken out of context when their direct quotes were published.]

“The representative told me the usage caps will be applied to NEW customers who sign-up for Road Runner service only. Existing customers, and customers who subscribe to both cable AND RR, will be unaffected.” (Jay) [Phil: The Beaumont trial only impacted new customers.  The latest test will impact on every customer.  I could find nobody who would confirm the claim by the representative that it would not affect those who take both cable and data packages.]

"Test" Money to Pay for Time Warner's Usage Cap "Test"

"Test" Money to Pay for Time Warner's Usage Cap "Test"

Here is the solution to this entire matter.  Let them know you will change your mind, and stay, if they are willing to mail you a letter that states, explicitly and without condition, that as long as you remain a Time Warner customer, your broadband account will never be subjected to any usage meter, bandwidth or usage cap, consumption billing, or termination of the existing plan you are on right now.  If they aren’t willing to send you that written guarantee, everything else they say denying this punitive usage cap is just a lot of talk that ultimately says nothing.

Experiments and tests that involve your wallet are nothing to dismiss so casually.  When they say it’s just a test, ask them if it is then okay to pay for the resulting higher bills coming this fall with “test” Monopoly money, which is particularly appropriate when we are talking about cable companies.

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Mister Internet Rationing
Mister Internet Rationing
15 years ago

>>>”I am telling you we are not going to charge you more, we are just testing this to see whether people like to pay less for their Internet”<<<< Do people who work in call centers not understand the difference between the truth and a lie? When a call center rep says this, ask if you can get it signed, in writing from a senior executive at Time-Warner Cable, witnessed by an attorney, that no matter how badly you go over the bandwidth cap, you will not be charged any money, and watch how quickly the call center rep tries to… Read more »

Danny Gibas
Danny Gibas
15 years ago

I called TW, and they are trying really hard to retain customers. They are sticking to a script about it being a sign of the times and that Frontier was doing it as well. I politely informed her that, Frontier does not have any plans to institute a cap. She also tried to tell me that it was just a test, but when I called her out on TW VP Alex Dudley’s Twittering about the caps, she backed down. They also seem to have access to all the posts here because they are referring to them in their script….

15 years ago

Im not even in the effected service area (Dallas/Ft. Worth) and this pisses me off to on end… If they push this through the service with TW will end!

15 years ago

I called yesterday to cancel some premium channels on cable TV to revolt. I still need the internet… for now.

15 years ago
Reply to  Ken

Why not switch to DSL and cancel TWC once your DSL is up and running. Better yet switch to Dish + Cable, you may save $$ I am thinking of taking this route.

15 years ago
Reply to  Wes

Comment on Dish: They may save you money to start with, but invariably they upgrade their services and YOU AREN’T INCLUDED. In order to upgrade….you can’t. You have to buy hardware (as opposed to leasing it) and any repair work you need done to damaged dish or cabling is out of your pocket at a rate of $50-$100 door fee (plus labor, plus materials) depending on which Dish service you have. I had Dish for about 5 years and a year or so ago squirrels started chewing on my cables and severed the line completely. I got rid of the… Read more »

15 years ago
Reply to  Wes

Oops i meant dish + DSL

15 years ago

I am still taking a wait and see attitude here. We are still good until June with our one year special offer pricing. And we have no premium services to cancel. Still have just over a year at my special 2 year cable TV deal with them too . ( we switched from satellite to TW last year )

15 years ago

I just called TWC customer service and had a nice 22 minute chat with Gordon. He introduced himself and I said, “Good evening Gordon, how are you tonight?” I think it caught him off-guard and I could immediately tell he relaxed a bit. I introduced myself and told him I was calling to ask about the proposed usage caps. After he talked for a bit I informed him that I was a fairly tech-savvy and long-standing customer who has been very happy with the cable service itself up until now. We chatted back and forth, I could tell he was… Read more »

Bradley K.
Bradley K.
15 years ago

Whenever any call center rep states that “everyone” is going to have caps, ask them to cite the press releases where both Frontier and Verizon FIOS have stated they will cap users

The simple fact is everyone is *not* going to have caps

Josh Beck
Josh Beck
15 years ago

Check out the banner ad Grande Communications is running:


(At Grande, we do not charge for caps on bandwidth)

Nice job Grande Communication!

Bob Jenkins
Bob Jenkins
15 years ago
Reply to  Josh Beck

Excellent detective work!

I have posted screen captures here in case they change the page.

Everyone please feel free to link to these screen captures if you want to or need to, I don’t care at all.


15 years ago

I just called TWC and followed the options to add/disconnect services. I stated to the represenative that I was unable to acertain sufficent information from TWC as to wheter my Road Runner will be capped and therefore canceling my TV and Internet services with TWC. Ofcourse, she stated that she would like to transfer me to someone who would be able to anser my question. I asked the next represenative to provide me with a yes/no answer to wether my account would have bandwith caps. SHe said, “I don’t have that information, but what is your useage?” I responded, “Approximately… Read more »

Danny Gibas
Danny Gibas
15 years ago
Reply to  preventCAPS


I would have called back pissed off over getting hung up on and demanded some form of compensation, just for the hell of it. 🙂

15 years ago
Reply to  preventCAPS

Ya know, I think they actually were telling me how I could be excluded from the caps with the *dial tone*… Frontier DSL

15 years ago

Anyone have Frontier in the Park Ave area of Rochester? What kind of speeds do you get. The more specific the better.

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