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Action Alert! Rep. Dan Maffei Town Hall Meeting Thursday (Irondequoit, NY)

Phillip Dampier April 8, 2009 Events, Public Policy & Gov't 8 Comments
Rep. Dan Maffei (D-NY) District Map

Rep. Dan Maffei (D-NY) 25th Congressional District Map

Rep. Dan Maffei (D-NY), who represents New York’s 25th district (which includes eastern Monroe county), will be holding an open Town Hall meeting this Thursday at 6:00pm.

If you are interested in appealing to Congressman Maffei to work on the issue of broadband usage caps, and to ask him to support Congressman Massa’s efforts, please consider attending, especially if you reside in his district.

The meeting will take place at the Irondequoit Town Hall, 1280 Titus Avenue.

You can also contact Rep. Maffei’s local office to speak on this issue, even if you cannot attend. Calling is the most effective way to draw attention to an issue of concern. Writing/faxing a letter is second. E-Mailing is better than nothing, but most congressional offices are swamped with e-mail, and it can be less effective in measuring what hot button issues are most important in a district. Take a few minutes and call.

Irondequoit Office
1280 Titus Avenue
Rochester, NY 14617
Phone: 585-336-7291
Fax: 585-336-7274

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15 years ago

Do we know what his poistion is on this issue?

15 years ago

I sent the following email; Dear Congressman, I understand you are holding a Town Hall Meeting in Irondequoit NY tomorrow concerning Time Warner Cable’s attempt to cap rates on bandwidth. I would like to know your position on this issue and am hoping that you do not side with monopolistic companies like Time Warner. My district is represented by Eric Massa who has vowed to take a leadership role in stopping their plan. Please understand that the message Time Warner is sending “this will only impact a small percentage of users” is inacurrate and untrue. My area hosts a large… Read more »

15 years ago

He seems like a real nice guy, I will be attending the meeting, even though I am not from his district so I wont be asking questions until his actual constituency gets to speak but I feel the need to at least go.

He was just on the Colbert Report the other night I would post the link but I don’t wont to derail this conversation.

15 years ago

I have gone on and taken another step. I emailed 13WHAM.com and provided them with some of information about Eric Massa and Dan Maffei’s plans as well as the petitions that are taking place online, public rallies etc. I have asked them to keep this issue in the news and research the real number of people in our community that are outraged over TWC’s plan. I took a moment to explain to them that this is far more reaching then TWC is reporting. The over use is being blamed on gamers, movie watchers and people downloading music etc. I asked… Read more »

15 years ago
Reply to  Diane

Good going Diane. I had emailed Rachel Barnhart at 13WHAM News yesterday and asked her to look into the issue as well since she wrote a piece on her blog about “cutting the cord”. We need to take this wherever it needs to go to make sure that we benefit from the internet not only today but also with the newer and faster internet coming as a society and not just greedy monopolies. It would be a pity indeed if the country that developed the internet in the 20th century failed to utilize it properly in the 21st century. Other… Read more »

Andrew S.
Andrew S.
15 years ago

We just posted your article on riseuprochester.org
Well done, you’re doing some great work here.


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